In this politically charged climate, it feels like you have to be super careful with your language, no matter who you are or what side you're on. Stories about people who say the “wrong” thing and suffer the consequences, including a very conservative Republican from Louisiana who's lambasted for being too liberal.
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Jennifer Heuer
Note: The internet version of this episode contains un-beeped curse words. BEEPED VERSION.
Host Ira Glass and producer B.A. Parker talk about a disagreement they’ve been having about a particular word. (3 minutes)
Video Killed the Video Star
Journalist Kelefa Sanneh delves into the story of Laci Green, a famous YouTuber and sex educator. Like any internet celebrity, Laci gets harassed on the internet. No surprise there. What is surprising is who winds up harassing her, and what she does about it. (28 minutes)
Trigger Warning
Dodie Horton is a dyed-in-the-wool, glock-toting, blood-red Republican from Louisiana. So why are her fellow Republicans calling her a RINO (Republican In Name Only) and saying that she’s trying to take away their Second Amendment rights? Producer Dana Chivvis reports. (25 minutes)